Q1 & Q2 / MrPenguin20 / Wikimedia / CC BY-SA 3.0

Map of Scotland showing the areas that voted Yes and No in both questions of the 1997 referendum

Scottish Devolution Referendum

In 1997, a significant referendum was held in Scotland, where the populace was given the opportunity to vote on the establishment of a devolved Scottish Parliament. This parliament would have the power to legislate on a range of domestic issues, while some matters, termed "reserved matters," would remain under the control of the UK Parliament in Westminster. The referendum presented two questions, one on the establishment of the parliament and the other on granting it tax-varying powers. The outcome was a resounding ‘yes’ to both questions, with 74.3% in favor of establishing the parliament and 63.5% supporting tax-varying powers. As a result, the Scotland Act 1998 was passed, and the Scottish Parliament was officially convened in 1999.

This event is also available in the following timelines: