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19th-century print showing Calgacus, leader of the Caledonian forces, as depicted by Tacitus. Both Calgacus and the speech may be figments of Tacitus's invention.
83 - 84

Battle of Mons Graupius

The Battle of Mons Graupius, fought in CE 83 or 84, was a significant military confrontation between the Roman Empire and the Caledonians, indigenous tribes of what is now Scotland. Led by Governor Gnaeus Julius Agricola, the Romans sought to expand their control further into the northern territories. Agricola's well-disciplined legions faced a large force of Caledonians under the leadership of Calgacus. Despite being outnumbered, the Romans used their superior tactics and discipline to achieve a decisive victory. The battle marked the zenith of Roman expansion in Britain, though they never achieved lasting control over the entirety of modern-day Scotland.

This event is also available in the following timelines: