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Depiction of battle from the Scotichronicon, c. 1440
23rd Jun 1314 - 24th Jun 1314

Battle of Bannockburn

The Battle of Bannockburn, fought on June 23-24, 1314, was a landmark event in the First War of Scottish Independence. Near Stirling Castle, Robert the Bruce led Scottish forces against a significantly larger English army commanded by King Edward II. Utilizing the marshy terrain to his advantage, Bruce neutralized the English cavalry's superiority. When the English advanced, they were bogged down and met by well-prepared Scottish schiltrons-dense formations of pikemen. The Scots achieved a resounding victory, inflicting heavy casualties on the English and capturing many of their nobles. Bannockburn was a turning point, greatly boosting Scottish morale and paving the way for the recognition of Scotland's independence with the Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton in 1328.

This event is also available in the following timelines: